Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sumitro Kusumo

Sumitro Kusumo mengatakan, bahawa arti Sumitro Kusumo adalah suka minta rokok. Pak Sumitro Kusumo lahir pada tanggal 15 Januari 2148 yang lalu dan diberi nama Sumitro Kusumo 17-12-2012.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi

Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi - National Health Day, November 12, which is celebrated today with the theme "Indonesia Love Healthy Mother Happy Healthy Children". Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi - A theme that captured the heart of even going to show how much we hate the disease. With the theme is expected in time (who knows when) Indonesia will become a country that has a health varisitas normal scale by the standards of the World Health Organisation (WHO).One of the facts of health by WHO are: Malnutrition is a major contributor to the total global disease burden. More than a third of child deaths worldwide attributed to nutrition. The main causes of poverty in which the poor are not able to meet adequate nutrition.Inconsistency Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi

On 12 November 2012, the National Health Day will be aged 48 years. About the National Health Day can not be separated from the problem of poverty in the Republic. That is the reason for the Government through relevant ministries continue to urge that the achievements of the health of the public, especially the poor and not just wishful thinking but became a reality.But unfortunately, what was announced by the government on the access of the poor to get health insurance is always constrained by various factors. One of them is the implementation of health programs for the poor are always associated with an infrastructure that does not work together with government policy.Development of infrastructure related to the pursuit of handling a variety of diseases are not always intersect with those efforts as well berplat hospital turns red (government) and private not proportional to the healthy community program launched by the government.
Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi - Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics reported that the number of poor people in Indonesia in March 2012 reached 29.13 million (11.96 percent), reduced by 0.89 million people (0.53 percent) compared to the poor at a rate of 30 March 2011 , 02 million people (12.49 percent). The late Minister of Health, Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih warned that Indonesia is currently (January 2012) perched in fifth position as the country with the undernourished worldwide. The position of this can happen because in addition to his achievements did not go smoothly also because of the population of Indonesia was also the world's fourth largest.While children under five suffering from malnutrition is estimated about 900 thousand inhabitants. The amount represents 4.5 percent of total Indonesian toddler, that is 23 million people. The problem of malnutrition is spread across Indonesia porsentase although that is not the same. So the problem of malnutrition is not just in one area alone but are found in all parts of Indonesia (Tempo.Co, Jakarta, 10 November 2012).If we look at the number of poor people in the Republic, the government has not actually run the obligation to guarantee the right to a healthy life for the poor. almost every year the government did not consistently meet those obligations because of the neglect of them intentionally or unintentionally.Deliberate neglect arises because of the poor must be protected with not considered a top priority of government services, there are many other social programs to be handled by the government of course with all the gnawing concept of liberalism. Abandoned accident happened because the government always obscures data on the poor in this Republic. That is why the government (BPS), in contrast to the United Bansa-nations (UN) on the number of poor people in Indonesia. Inconsistency was eventually becomes an attitude that always dijalanisan for not realizing wellness programs for the poor.Health Vs The PoorTrue adigium a man who said that Indonesia was Didak easy. A reality of public life shows adigium it to us. We have 67 years of independence from colonial rule to independence now to get the right to a healthy life is still difficult for us to get, especially the poor. Maybe this is the push Eko Prasetyo wrote a book called "The Poor Man Banned Sick" which explained that health is very expensive.In addition to soaring drug prices and hospital costs yanag uncontrollably making rights for poor people toward healthy living farther away from the hopes and ideals. With a situation like this has always been the victims were poor.Poverty has made him force discriminatory and unfair by the organizers and managers of the hospital.So it's a very bitter reality that poor people should be accepted if they fall ill. For them being sick is not an easy matter dealt with, will make their lives even darker due to depression.Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi - In addition the government has not been able to realize the health insurance system as a whole plus the price of the drugs craze poor people will face poverty itself that matters: can not meet the demands of drug prices and hospital costs imposed on him. Therefore, not all poor people get health insurance card provided by the government because of the limitation. Or the hospital always prioritize how the deposit should be paid a guarantee new patient care while often ignoring its obligations as a health worker.Then related to the anniversary of the national health the government should be able to provide health services to the people especially the poor through health insurance that is guaranteed by the state. If not, what's wrong with health care in this Republic? Why does the image of the hospital formerly known public with a very high social function is now shifted to raupan great material gains? Why does her face look more and more business-oriented show is not humane?Such questions we ought to depankan currently considering liberalization of life that hit the nation and state in all areas? Is it still open opportunities National Social Security System Law that guarantees access to health care for all segments of society, especially the poor? Do poor people have become victims of injustice by not having collateral kesehatn Darim own government?Homeland premises nickname gemah ripah jinawi tablets would be an empty title for its own people because of the entanglement of poverty? Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi - In the national health day we hope the government willing and able to change direction and perspective of health services to the people, especially the poor. the number is still touching 30 million lives, this situation has the potential to cause things that are not good for the country because they are not part of the heart of government.Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi - So before it happens it helps the government to realize and achieve budget for health as much as 5% of the state budget in luaar salary. Thus, the state does not necessarily violate or deny rules / laws are made when they received a full guarantee on the health of their own government. We wait Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi - Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Seragam Kerja Kantor

Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi - merupakan sasaran kata kunci yang dilombakan. kembali menjadi juri. Dan Surewi Wardrobe sebagai penganjur pertandingan menyediakan hadiah dengan total Rp 6.000.000 yang diperinci sebagai berikut:

     Juara 1: Wang Tunai Rp 2.000.000 + 1pcs Kaos Kontes
     Juara 2: Wang Tunai Rp 1.500.000 + 1pcs Kaos Kontes
     Juara 3: Wang Tunai Rp 1.000.000 + 1pcs Kaos Kontes
     Juara 4 & 5: Wang Tunai Rp 500.000 + 1pcs Kaos Kontes
     Juara 6 - 10: Wang Tunai Rp 100.000 + 2pcs Kaos Kontes

Seragam Kerja Kantor Murah di Surewi  - Pertandingan bermula pada 1 Oktober 2012 dan berakhir pada 30 Disember 2012 Pukul 00:00 WIB. Lihat lagi di

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